Couples Counselling

There is a misconception that couples only seek relationship counselling when their relationship is in dire straits. However, counselling can be beneficial in various situations; your relationship doesn't have to be falling apart for counselling to be helpful, nor does it signify the end. In fact it is most beneficial not to wait too long before seeking support.

Common reasons for seeking relationship counselling include:

  • Challenges in effective communication

  • Drifting apart, loss of connection, or diminishing passion

  • Feeling disconnected, resentful, bored, or unfulfilled

  • Uncertainty about the future of the relationship

  • Navigating through separation

  • Persistent arguments, escalating conflicts, or constant bickering

  • Trust issues

  • Financial pressures

  • Adjusting to parenthood

  • Family-related troubles

  • Dealing with infidelity, including cyber affairs

  • Support in coping with external stressors like work, illness, or relocation

  • Assistance when one or both partners are experiencing mental health issues

How can relationship counselling help?

Couples counselling supports couples in numerous ways, assisting them to:

  • Improve communication skills

  • Resolve conflicts effectively

  • Rediscover feelings of romance, attraction, and fulfilment

  • Foster trust and emotional intimacy

  • Address individual issues impacting the relationship

  • Establish a safe environment for open and honest communication

  • Recognise and fulfil each other's needs

  • Revitalise neglected aspects of the relationship

  • Develop a deeper understanding of oneself and one's partner

  • Rejuvenate the relationship through dedicated, quality time together.

Emotionally Focussed Couples Therapy

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFCT) operates on the premise that emotions are central to one's identity and decision-making process, shedding light on one's deepest fears, desires, and unvoiced needs.

These emotions are pivotal in shaping relationships with intimate partners, signalling boundaries, hurt, or affection.

EFCT delves into these core emotions to decipher recurring negative cycles and employs attachment theory to understand the impact of childhood experiences on adult relationships.

Through EFCT, individuals gain insight into themselves and their partners, fostering healthy communication to nurture mutual respect, support, trust, appreciation, love, and profound connection.

 Meet Our Northcote Couples Counsellor


Julia Shay |
Couples Counsellor